I've been working on this Denver post all week! I had most of it all typed out ready to post, but something was telling me not to. On Friday, I was reading my friend Laura's blog. She was talking about her daughter's ballet performance of The Nutcracker and how her other kids weren't very good during the show. But she still had such a positive spin on the whole thing! She is such a fun, patient, young mom, and she is always cheerful and pleasant to be around!
So, I decided to delete everything I wrote about my trip. I'll describe it in one sentence instead of dwelling on all the details.
The trip had it's fun moments, but the majority of it was stressful and my kids cried ALOT!
Now, on to the pictures!
* Traveling with kids = LOTS of bags! This wasn't even Grammy's stuff!
* We got to PDX with plenty of time. We grabbed some lunch and let the kids play on the little playground! The time went really fast and we had to rush through security and to our gate. I quickly gate checked our stroller, said bye to daddy, and ran onto our plane!

* When we got off the plane our stroller was missing! They ended up finding it in Spokane and gave us a voucher to use on our next flight because of the trouble we had to go through with a 20-month old toddler running around the airport!
* Saturday morning we got up and let the kids play in the snow and on the scooter! They had a great time, and Uncle Brian was a great sport to be out there with them!

* Gagey loved to ride the scooter!

* Mommy got a turn on the scooter too! I was going down hill and I recall my self yelling, "How do I stop this thing?" It was going really fast!

* Last winter Gage was too little to play in the snow, so this was his first interaction with it!
* This was my favorite picture of the whole weekend! He slowed down for 2 seconds to really take in what snow was!
* Maisey climbed the snow mountain while Uncle Bri built her snowman. (in shorts!) I told you he was a good sport!
* Maisey helped accessorize her snowman. She willingly gave up her hat so her new friend could look good!

* Maisey always talks about making snow angels, and her dream finally came true!
* Saturday morning was good for the kids to get all of that energy out!
*Gagey ended up taking a 4 hour nap that afternoon!

* The rest of us got some snoozin' in too!

* And it was a good thing too, because that night we headed to the Denver Nuggets game! This was probably the best the kids were ALL weekend! Maisey cried the whole way in because we told her there was a mascot at the game! She was freaking so bad she was actually shaking.
* Thanks for the tickets Kels and Bri, and for helping with my crazy man!

During half time I went to get a few snacks! When I came back I walked through the row above ours since no one was sitting in it then hopped down to our row. I slipped and fell and my leg went between the seat back and the seat. It was so embarrassing. But the worst part was my boots were wider at the top so I couldn't just pull my leg back up. And I couldn't reach down that far to take my boot off, slip my leg out, then put it back on. Kels and Brian sure got a good laugh out of it. . . and so did everyone else in our section. Kels got my camera out and snapped a ton of pics before she was willing to help me!

* This couple was sitting like 5 rows in front of us and when they did the kissing cam it showed them and he proposed to her on the jumbo-tron! It was really cute and I thought it was really cool that they were right in front of us!

* Gagey and Grammy being buddies at the game! He loved all the yummy food!

* He ate the whole environment up! This was definitely his thing. It gave me a little hope for the rest of the trip!

* On the way back to our car, Uncle Blair gave Maisey a should ride. She was waving to everyone and pretending she was on a float in a parade! I think this was her favorite part of the trip.

* After the game and the kids were in bed, we broke out some ice cream sundaes! Us Olsen girls sure do love our ice cream!

* We played tons of games, including the wii!

* And no trip would be complete without a trip to Cracker Barrel! YUM!
Side note: Shaun really wanted to go visit his grandparent's in Boise this weekend. They are getting older and he felt it was a good opportunity to spend some quality time together. Just before his flight was getting ready to leave, he got a call saying his grandpa was on his way to the hospital. Even though we really missed him and his extra help in Denver, I am glad that he was able to be there to comfort his grandpa and to provide support to his grandma!
1 comment:
Wow, I feel so special- I made it on the Grimmett's blog! :)But patience? Definitely something that is on the top of MY resolution list this year!
Haha, I am laughing that you took a picture of the luggage packed. AND at your boot story, AND at Gage's face in the picture of the basketball game; AND still at the "Man Ponytail" comment today at the Library.
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