Earlier this week, Shaun won tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters basketball game! His office has a box suite, so we got to enjoy the game from there! Maisey had so much fun watching "Ball Ball".

Maisey and Mommy before the game started!

Maisey sitting in a big girl seat all by her self!

Once the game started, I couldn't get a picture of her face because she wouldn't take her eyes off of the ball! She was a crack up dancing to all of the songs and clapping when everyone else did!

I decided to take a pic of the game since my main subject wouldn't look at me! :)

Maisey picked out her own jammies tonight! Dora pants, Elmo and Abby shirt, red gloves, and her cupcake hat! What a goof!!!
here for one coupon and then I used 5 coupons from the paper (Redplum insert from 2/22/2009) on top of that. GO POPTARTS!
and the basketball game looks so fun! Love the idea of sitting in the box!
Funny you should say you were jeolous, because the other day when I read this post I was thinking to myself "I am so jeolous! I have always wanted to see the Harlem Globetrotters!"
Guess what they always say is true...the grass is always greener on the other side!
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