Monday, February 17, 2014

Let it Snow!

The weather man promised snow last Thursday, and we waited and we waited and we waited for it to come. 

I helped Maisey pick out some warm clothes to wear to school that day and sent her with gloves so she could build a snowman at recess. 

At lunch time there was no snow. Shaun still came home from work early because the weatherman suggested it.
Gage was too excited to have a quiet time that day so we snuggled on the couch all afternoon waiting for it to come.

By the time Miley woke up and Maisey got home from school it was starting! This babe didn't leave the window for an hour! She was mesmerized!

When Dad finished up some work, we got everyone bundled up and headed outside to play. 

She was wild woman on the power wheel. Mostly because she couldn't see where she was going and would just go right off the curb!

We broke out the sled and Daddy pushed them down the driveway. 
(The only time I've ever been grateful for our steep driveway, we didn't have to drive to a snow hill!)

Daddy was showing off and went down on his feet!

Gage enjoyed a sled ride from Dad around the neighborhood.

The first day, then snow was so dry and powdery, you couldn't even make a snow ball. But we sure tried!

These were Miley's defense in our attempted snow ball fight!

My Angel!

Neighborhood snow ball fight!

We spent most of the weekend in our jammies, cuddled around the heaters.

Or watching the Olympics snuggled up in blankets.

We played way to many phones, tablets, and watched way too much TV!

Even this babe became an addict!

On Friday school was cancelled. I picked my mom up (she didn't want to drive) and brought her back up to our house for the day. I told her I would do her taxes if she would entertain my kids! She thought she was getting the better end of the deal, and so did I! Win-Win!!!

The snow kept coming down all day and I decided in the afternoon I better take her home before it got much worse.
I backed out of the driveway, slid sideways, and was inches from hitting Shaun's car. Shaun came out, pulled it back in the garage, and Grammy had an unexpected sleepover on Maisey's bottom bunk that night!

Miley wasn't so sure about being the third member of this bobsled team!

My all time favorite picture from the whole snowy weekend! Love these two ladies!

By mid-day Friday we had 6 inches! By the end, that same spot measured 8.5 inches!

Day 3 of this snowy weather, I was starting to wonder what we had originally gotten so excited about!! This momma likes to be on the go, and not cooped up in the house for days!

By Saturday afternoon, it had rained a little bit, so you could make snowballs, and snowmen! This was Maisey's princess snowman!

Gage was invited to a birthday party and really wanted to go.

So Shaun walked him a half mile to the party, carrying Gage on his shoulders most of the way!

Miley and I were kind of over the snow at this point and opted to hang out inside on Saturday. Anyone up for a game of Duck Duck Goose with the farm animals?

By Sunday, I was feeling very done and very unproductive from sitting around all weekend. Church was cancelled, so I used the time to clean out Gage and Miley's closets and dressers and switch out clothes. That seriously took me ALL day!
The kids liked playing in the empty boxes!

School was cancelled again on Monday, but really it shouldn't have been. By Tuesday, I was so ready to get back to our normal routine, but, oh wait!! It was a no school/teacher work day so we were all home again! Luckily we had some friends come and play to help break up the day a bit!

were definitely ready to get back to our normal lives, but the snow was sure pretty while it was here!

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