Mais and Shaun are sporting their St. Patrick's Day green and giving each other kisses! They are so silly together.
This is Mais's first piggy back ride. She loved it!
We, actually I, bought a jogging stroller this week. Shaun is not sure if I will actually use it, but I hope to prove him wrong! (just not this week :) )
I made some fun Easter cards and sent them off to family and friends. I have really been into card making right now, because Mais doesn't let me sit down long enough to get into my scrapbooking, so I just make cards instead.

This is the happiest she was, which isn't very happy!
So we did our own Easter photo shoot at home. She still wasn't very sure about the fake Easter grass!
Grandma Grimmett sent Maisey that cute Easter Bunny Beanie Baby. She loves it! Thanks Grandma!
Uncle Ryan came into town today to visit. We went to Red Robin for lunch. It was great to see him.
So... Happy Easter (a couple of days early)! We are headed to Colorado early tomorrow morning to spend Easter with my sister and her family. My mom and brother are both coming from Oregon. We are so excited, and Mais can't wait to be buddies with Grandma again!
wow! You went all our for St. Patricks day! I love people who are seriously festive for every holiday! I might rip off some of your delicious food ideas for next year! I liked your easter shoot. I kind of like it when kids take really mad pictures of funny things. It really shows their personality like:"you are joking if you want me to smile while I am on this weird bunny!" I really want to do an easter shoot with Lucy with flowers, but alas there are none yet! Oh, well!
You will love the jogging stroller! I seriously use mine all the time. It is so nice to just take it for walks too. Such a smoothe ride. I have the same one in red.
Very cute pictures. I love the cards too. We should go walking together.
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