I have 2 drastically different children. One of them asks me if I can take her pictures and the other one DESPISES pictures, or just sitting still for that matter. So this photo shoot went just as well as the Valentine's one! But I did manage to get a few I could use!

Gage kept crawling off and doing his own thing. He is very strong-willed, just like his sister!
Maisey begged me to take her pictures after I got her dressed! She was a great listener and did what Mommy said.

(If you can't tell, this has been her "thing" lately! I don't even know where she learned it!)

Gage is looking away . . .

. . . Maisey is looking away . . .

. . . and they are BOTH looking away!
Why do I have such a hard time with the 2 of them together? I am DETERMIND to get ONE good one of them -- maybe in their Easter clothes for church.
cute pictures! i don't even try with my boys anymore. ethan has hated the camera for forever and is just now getting to the point where he'll say cheese. But when he does that he closes his eyes. Oh well. One day. Good luck getting one!
cute pictures. They sure are getting big.
Super cute!! But where are all the rainy pictures??? My kids were dripping most of the day.
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