Earlier today I saw a post on a friend from Spokane's blog about a cracker deal at Safeway. It sounded easy, so I logged onto Shaun's face book account, made him a fan on wheat thins, printed off the coupon, printed off two more coupons and waalaa. . . 5 boxes of free crackers from Safeway!
One of my goals this year is to start spending less at the grocery store and start using more of what we have! This is a great start to my goal! Thanks for the post Celeste.
I'm going to start following Frugal Chic Living because we have a lot of the same stores here and I can't seem to find a coupon site for our area!

it cracks me up every time you say walaa. good job on couponing and organizing!
My sister does the coupon thing and always comes away with such good deals. Sad to say where we live we can't do that since we only have one store.
i have a few blogs i follow...just read...have never really implemented the system yet, tooo busy....BUT they dont have sites like they do for said utah or vegas or idaho...apparently us oregonians arent cool enough. if you want some sites i'll be happy to give them to you....ALWAYS deals deals deals :)
It's my favorite site for couponing. Couponing can be quite addicting. I Love a good deal!
I am so happy you did this!! I wasn't sure anyone was interested in my coupon posts... Glad you scored some free crackers! Happy Couponing!
And... Your family is stinkin adorable! What cute kids!
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