Friday, October 15, 2010

Finding Joy

Between some family issues and the normal stresses of life, I've kind of been in a funk (def: not quite right, offbeat) lately. Shaun and I went to the temple on Tuesday night and we came away feeling like we needed to find joy in our posterity.

This has been my focus over the last few days. I borrowed a book from my dad's extensive collection called "The Presidents of the Church: Insights Into Their Lives and Teachings."

I've read several interesting things in the book, but my favorite (which also must have been one of my dad's because he marked it) is:

"President McKay often said that the greatest jewels of your life are your children, that we are jewels, and that this earth is the treasure box that has been given to surround these jewels."

and my second favorite:

"To all who believe in a living, personal God and His divine Truth, life can be so delightful and beautiful. As a matter of fact, it's glorious just to be alive."

And in my scripture study on the matter, my favorite is D&C 42:61 -

"If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things--that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal."

I'm working on focusing more on my "jewels" even if they do sometimes drive me nuts!

My father-in-law was texting me a few weeks ago when I was ready to ship one of my "jewels" off to him. And he said, "Just wait til he's a teenager!" I realized life is all about perspective.

I can choose to have the perspective of life being delightful and beautiful, that the mysteries of the kingdom can bring me joy, and that my posterity can be my greatest jewels.

Sometimes life is hard. We aren't quite sure why things happen, or why things don't happen. But I do know that if we fully rely on our Savior and our Heavenly Father, that we will know that the Lord will never lead us astray or give us untruth. He will provide little tender mercies that let us know He is there, that He is all knowing and that He is all loving.

We are heading out the The Great Wolf Lodge this weekend. Just Mom, Dad, and our 2 jewels! It will be so nice to spend some quality time together and just focus on the kids! No football, no running errands, no blogging, no working. Just Maisey and Gage!

Here's to finding JOY in my posterity!

1 comment:

Mason & Laura said...

what a great, inspiring post! Thanks Emily :) (and I hope you had a BLAST with just your kids to focus on this weekend)