Monday, April 22, 2013

A Heavenly Birthday

Today is my dad's birthday! He would have been 58!

If he were here I would be teasing him about how old that is! :) 

If he were here my kids would have showered him with snuggs, loves, and kisses.

If he were here I would have written him a nice note telling him about all of the wonderful things he has done for my family and I.

If he were here I would have sent him and Shaun golfing for the day together. It sure was a beautiful day today.
If he were here we wouldn't have had to go to the cemetery on Sunday.


If he were here, we wouldn't have had to talk about cemetery etiquette with a wild man who just sees things that are soooo tempting to climb on.

But if he were here, he would be in so much pain.

So the unselfish side of me is going to be thankful today. 

Thankful that he is serving the Lord on the other side.

Thankful that he has taught me so much.

Thankful that he provides peace and comfort at times when no one else can.

And thankful that my wild man (who is his Papa to the "T") settled down and realized the reverence that the cemetery holds. 

This is my favorite picture of my dad!

Maisey and her Papa - August 2007
I wish I had one like it for each of my kids.

We all missed you today, and everyday!

Happy Birthday Dad!

Love you!

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