Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Trip: Summary

This trip was our longest we have ever been on.
We spent 73 hours and 35 minutes in the car
We drove 3767.6 miles
And our van got 22.2 mpg

We played at 8 parks
We swam in 5 pools
and we watched Baby Einstein 30 times (and that's true!)

I drove for the first 4 hours.
He was the only one who slept!!!

This is pretty much what Miley looked like for 2.5 weeks. She didn't do so well in the car and the only thing that would keep her from crying was food.

We stopped at several rest stops and climbing the trees was a must at each of them!
(Except in Wyoming. . . where there aren't any trees!)

We stopped at a hotel really late one night and the pool was still open for about 10 minutes. So Shaun and the kids swam for a bit to get all of their energy out!

One morning, Miley sat in the middle of the hotel parking lot and refused to get back in the car. Poor Babe!

This only happened one time all trip: 3 kids sleeping at once! 
(That's what Wyoming will do to you!)

K, I'm done with the Wyoming jokes now! :)

The last hour of our trip was rough. One of the freeways in Portland was closed and the other one had an accident on it. It took forever to get home. So I broke out the stick-on mustaches to provide some peace and quiet for the last little bit.

I'm not sure we will ever make this trip again. . . or at least not until the kids are all quite a bit older, and then it's still a maybe. We did have a lot of fun and we got to see so many family members, but we are still recovering from all of the time in the car!

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