Even though we didn't go on our normal summer vacation to Idaho, Utah, and Colorado, we have been having lots of fun and staying super busy around here! Here are some things that we have done over the last few weeks.
* We went to the Silverton Library for a kids music event. I thought the guy was kinda creepy but the kids had a blast. They were up dancing around, pretending to be animals, and trains and all sorts of stuff. It was a fun night as a family.

* We had some visitors (aka skunks!) in our backyard. The night Shaun found them he went out and shot at them with his pellet gun. Then he flooded their den with the hose and we haven't seen them since!
* We've visited the water park in Wilsonville a few times and on one special Saturday Dad got to come with us. We stopped at the store to pick up lunchables and the kids thought it was pretty special! Oh to be a kid again!
Maisey stacked all of her meat and cheese into one big lunchable sandwich!
* We've bbq'd a ton! Chicken, steak, hamburgers, brats, hotdogs, and asparagus! I love food from the grill!
The perfect steak!
* A few weeks ago we gave Maisey two daily chores. One: water the flowers in the pots that don't get reached by the sprinkler. Two: Unload the dishwasher.
This was on day two of the chores!
* My aunt gave the kids these super cute chairs! There is even one more on the side of the picture for Miley. They have their names on them and the umbrellas open up! The kids totally love them and they even ate dinner out on them last night.
* The kids loved watching the workers dig up a section of the sidewalk and then come back a few hours later with a cement truck to fill it. We got out a blanket to watch on and had some snacks. Our water delivery guy also came that morning so they had a busy day watching big trucks! Gage was in heaven!
* The kids have also spent a lot of time getting into trouble these last few weeks. Ever since their cousins left they have been pretty naughty and mischievous.
Here is proof: Gage with two nerf gun darts up his nose!
* We've spent a lot of time out back playing in the water!
Gage got out an umbrella to run through the sprinkler with out getting wet.
* Our friends invited us to come swimming with them last week. The kids had a ton of fun and I was proud of how brave they were. Miley was awesome and slept pretty much the whole time. I had to wake her up before we left to feed her. The day couldn't have gone any better!
Lunch break at the pool!
He looks like he is in serious thought!
All of the big boys were running and jumping into the pool. This was Gage's version! He was so fun to watch.
* We went to a Volcanoe's baseball game. The kids were pretty good and the Volcanoe's won! And the fireworks show at the end made the whole night worth it! They were spectacular!
Gage was literally on the edge of his seat waiting for the game to start. He couldn't contain his excitement.
Miley is such a good baby. She just chilled most of the game. The noise or the breeze didn't bother her one bit.
Maisey was very into the rules of the game this year. It was fun to have her sit by me so I could explain things to her.
* We've mostly spent the last few weeks loving on this happy little girl!
happy family! you're a good mom.
Ok, first, Miley is so cute with that huge smile!
Second, Gage is hilarious with those darts up his nose! He would fit in nicely in our house! All boy!
Last, those chairs & umbrellas are too cute. Where did your Aunt get them???
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